Wednesday, April 25, 2012


although kids are naive,
but you learn a lot of things from them,
it even flash back all your memories.
they are forever happy,
they have nothing to be worried about,
u can always see smiley face from them :D
how bad i wish my parents could fetch me back from school everyday,
then i can tell my friend proudly that that's my parents and they are here to fetch me back! 8D
this is what i learnt from kids,
i can see from their face how happy they are when their parents were there to fetch them back.
i won't blame my parents for not fetching me back everyday,
because i know every family is different and they have to work,
i understand :)
i still remember how happy i am when my parents fetched me,
i was so surprised and happy :D <3
i love them to the max.ily
*waiting for more times my parents could fetch me back from school* 8)

shooting stars.

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