Friday, August 24, 2012

hello bloggie bloggie

pass by as usual :D

it been months since my last visit :P
i seems to be very free when i actually got tons of things waiting for me to do,
i am just so lazy to move!uhh
forms.studies.and...i don't know.

okiess,buh bye.
drop and go --

daley lilly.randomize.whatever :))

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


although kids are naive,
but you learn a lot of things from them,
it even flash back all your memories.
they are forever happy,
they have nothing to be worried about,
u can always see smiley face from them :D
how bad i wish my parents could fetch me back from school everyday,
then i can tell my friend proudly that that's my parents and they are here to fetch me back! 8D
this is what i learnt from kids,
i can see from their face how happy they are when their parents were there to fetch them back.
i won't blame my parents for not fetching me back everyday,
because i know every family is different and they have to work,
i understand :)
i still remember how happy i am when my parents fetched me,
i was so surprised and happy :D <3
i love them to the max.ily
*waiting for more times my parents could fetch me back from school* 8)

shooting stars.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

rubbishes fglkdf$#%&^Bg.

i'm not here to post anything that is interesting,
i'm here to dump rubbishes. :/

current mood: fuq up.
sorry for being rude :)

rubbishes dumped.settle 8)

bro,get well soon! *praying*

yx x)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


well,i drop by here because i just experienced earthquake for the very first time.
it's just an earthquake but it makes people understand a lot of things.
some people learn how to appreaciate their life,
some people know how lucky they are.
wish to see tsunami,
wish to die,
complain this and that
and even enjoy with it while indonesian are suffering -.-

it's just an earthquake but it means a lot to people.
maybe that's the point of having earthquake--let people understand what's reality.
some learn from it but some don't know doing what -.-

pray hard to indonesian  ;)

thank god my friends and family are still alive <3
thank god for saving every single human who are still alive ;)

love ; learn ; appreciate it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


mushrooms start to grow on my blog dy xD
just drop by due to boredness lar :P

we might be thousand miles apart from each other,
but our heart won't :)
hope this will never change.
friendship <3

miles apart --xin :)

Monday, December 5, 2011


I'm bored although i should be sleeping like a pig now -,-
but my energy left like 10-20% or even more,
not the time to recharge yet.
i remembered my last post was about get rid of this lifeless life or smth,
but now i still facebook 24/7 .__.
people say action speak louder than words,
but my words speak louder than action :S
holiday started for like 2 weeks and a half dy,
i did nothing much (as usual -,-)
everyday wake up tv->eat->computer->BED TIME!
totally lifeless.
poker face!XD

i found a totally hilarious website which is full of TROLL FACE!
good try ;D
hope my holiday will not be that bored after having placement test on this coming wednesday :/


--OFF-- troll fans <3

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is time to stop this lifeless life :)

sleep,eat,watch tv,online,outing---LIFELESS LIFE.
this kind of activity been repeating and repeating since pmr ends,
i think is time to end this kind of life :)
for some people holiday is just going to start,
but i guess i had started holiday for a long time and is time to end :D
i have to grab something i am really interested to do for this coming holiday,
i should stop FACEBOOK-ING 24/7
but currently nothing up to my mind yet :$

--personal random quotes,i guess--teehee :D

teehee :D
new leaf :)